Do the Right Thing

He wanted to close me,
and you stood there like a fuck
and watched them
burn me down!

I also watched the cops
murder Radio Raheem?

You'll get it all
from the insurance anyway, Sal?

What the fuck's
wrong with you?

This ain't about money?
I could give a fuck
about money?

You see this place?
I built this fucking place!
With my bare fucking hands!
Every light socket,
every piece oftile?

Me! With these fucking hands!
You know what that means?
It means pay me
my motherfucking money?

That's what it means, Sal?
OK, Mookie?
How much do I oweyou?
My salary is 250?
250 a week?

That's 2??
That's 3??
That's 4??
And that's 5?
You got $500?
You're a rich fucking man?

Are you happy?
You happy?

He's got 500 fucking dollars!
He's a big man!
He's a rich fucking man!
He's never going to have
any more trouble!

Not Mookie!
He's fucking rich!
Who the fuckyou yelling at?
You're wealthy, Mookie?
You're a real fucking Rockefeller?
You gotyour fucking pay?
Now leave me alone?

Sal, my salary's 250 a week,
all right?

I oweyou 50 bucks?
Keep it?
You keep it?
You keep it?
You keep it?
No, you keep it?
You keep it?
I don't believe this shit?
Believe it?
Areyou sick?
I'm hot as a motherfucker?
I'm all right, though?

Well, they say it's even going
to get hotter today?
