You got $500?
You're a rich fucking man?
Are you happy?
You happy?
He's got 500 fucking dollars!
He's a big man!
He's a rich fucking man!
He's never going to have
any more trouble!
Not Mookie!
He's fucking rich!
Who the fuckyou yelling at?
You're wealthy, Mookie?
You're a real fucking Rockefeller?
You gotyour fucking pay?
Now leave me alone?
Sal, my salary's 250 a week,
all right?
I oweyou 50 bucks?
Keep it?
You keep it?
You keep it?
You keep it?
No, you keep it?
You keep it?
I don't believe this shit?
Believe it?
Areyou sick?
I'm hot as a motherfucker?
I'm all right, though?
Well, they say it's even going
to get hotter today?
What areyou going
to do with yourself?
Make that money?
Get paid?
Sal, I got to go see my son
ifit's all right with you?
Hey, Mook.
It's the Mook man.
I seeyou walking.
Go home toyour kid.
Now the news and weather.
Our mayor has commissioned
a blue-ribbon panel...
"to get to the bottom
oflast night's disturbance.
The City ofNew York
will not let property
be destroyed by anyone."
His Honor plans to visit
our block today.
He should hook up
with our own Da Mayor,
buy him a beer.
Your Love Daddy
says register to vote.
The election is coming up.
There 's no end in sight
from this heat wave,
so today,
the cash money word is chill.
That's right. C-h-i-l-I.
When you hear "chill,"
call in at 555-L OVE,