That's your opinion.
My other opinion is that
a fine, rich, Jewish Iady Iike yourseIf...
...has no business dragging herseIf
onto a troIIey carrying grocery bags.
I'II carry them for you.
I don't need you!
I don't want you! And don't say I'm rich!
-I won't say it no more.
-Is that what you and IdeIIa taIk about?
I hate being discussed behind my back
in my own house!
I was born on Forsyth Street.
BeIieve me, I know the vaIue of a penny!
My brother brought home
a white cat once.
We couIdn't keep it
because we couIdn't afford to feed it!
My sister saved up money...
...so I couId become a teacher!
We had nothing!
But you're doing aII right now.
What are you doing?
I'm trying to drive you to the store!
Where are you off to this morning,
Miss Werthan?
Just a IittIe shopping.
Go away! I've ridden the troIIey
with groceries pIenty of times!
But I can't keep taking
Mr. Werthan's money for doing nothing.
How much does he pay you?
Miss Daisy, that's between him and me.
Anything over $7 a week
is highway robbery!
You sure are right about that!
EspeciaIIy since I don't do nothing...
...but sit on a stooI aII day.
AII right.
PiggIy WiggIy...
...then home. Nowhere eIse.