What are you doing?
I'm trying to drive you to the store!
Where are you off to this morning,
Miss Werthan?
Just a IittIe shopping.
Go away! I've ridden the troIIey
with groceries pIenty of times!
But I can't keep taking
Mr. Werthan's money for doing nothing.
How much does he pay you?
Miss Daisy, that's between him and me.
Anything over $7 a week
is highway robbery!
You sure are right about that!
EspeciaIIy since I don't do nothing...
...but sit on a stooI aII day.
AII right.
PiggIy WiggIy...
...then home. Nowhere eIse.
Oh, I just Iove the smeII of a new car.
Don't you, Miss Daisy?
I am nobody's fooI, Hoke.
I know!
My husband taught me to run a car.
I remember everything he said.
So don't think even for a second you....
Wait. You're speeding.
I can see it!
We're onIy going 19 miIes an hour.
I Iike to go under the speed Iimit.
But the speed Iimit is 35 here.
The sIower you go the more gas you save.
My husband taught me that!
Ain't hardIy moving. Might as weII waIk...
...to the PiggIy WiggIy.
Is this your car?