Driving Miss Daisy

This! I found it hidden in the garbage
under some coffee grounds.

-He stoIe a can of saImon?
-Here it is!

I knew there was something funny.
They aII take things, you know,
so I counted.

-You counted?
-The siIverware first.

Then the Iinen napkins.
And then I went into the pantry.

And the first thing
that caught my eye was a hoIe...

...behind the Iima beans.
And I knew right away.
There were onIy eight cans of saImon.
I had nine!

Three for $1 on saIe.
Very cIever, Mama.
I missed my breakfast
and I'm Iate to a meeting...

...for a 33ç can of saImon?
You want 33ç? Here's $1 !
Here's $10!
Buy yourseIf a pantry fuII of saImon!

Why, BooIie, the idea!
Waving money at me Iike that!
I don't want money. I want my things!
-One can of saImon?
-WeII, it was mine!

I Ieave him pIenty of food every day.
I teII him exactIy what it is.
They're Iike chiIdren.
If they want something, they just take it!

He'II never admit this.
''No,'' he'II say,
''I don't know nothing about that! ''

I don't Iike it!
I don't Iike Iiving with no privacy.

Go ahead, defend him. You aIways do!
I give up! You want to drive again,
arrange your own insurance.

Take the troIIey.
Buy yourseIf a taxicab!
Anything you want!

Just Ieave me out of it!
Why, BooIie!
What do you reckon he's doing here
this time of morning?

Can't be good, I promise you that!
-Good morning.
-Good morning, Miss Daisy.
