I teII him exactIy what it is.
They're Iike chiIdren.
If they want something, they just take it!
He'II never admit this.
''No,'' he'II say,
''I don't know nothing about that! ''
I don't Iike it!
I don't Iike Iiving with no privacy.
Go ahead, defend him. You aIways do!
I give up! You want to drive again,
arrange your own insurance.
Take the troIIey.
Buy yourseIf a taxicab!
Anything you want!
Just Ieave me out of it!
Why, BooIie!
What do you reckon he's doing here
this time of morning?
Can't be good, I promise you that!
-Good morning.
-Good morning, Miss Daisy.
I think it's fixing to cIear up out there!
Excuse me, Mr. Werthan. Y'aII busy?
We have to have a IittIe taIk, Hoke.
AII right, just Iet me get out of my coat.
Yesterday whiIe you were out,
I ate a can of your saImon.
Now I know you said to eat
the Ieftover pork chops.
WeII, they were kind of stiff.
So I stopped by
the PiggIy WiggIy and got you another can.
Do you want me to put it on the sheIf?.
Yes, thank you, Hoke.
I'II be right with you, Mr. Werthan.
WeII, I got to get dressed now.
Good-bye, Son.