All right.
Thangbrand sit where Ornulf is.
Ornulf sit where Ulf is.
Ulf sit where Thangbrand was.
Ragnar sit behind Thorfinn.
Thorfinn stay where you are.
- I wanted to sit next to Leif.
- Shut up.
Sven switch with Snorri.
Snorri sit behind Sven.
Keitel sit here. Harald there.
Leif there, Bjarni there.
Now you've got all the ones with
beards on one side
and all the moustaches
on the other.
- That doesn't matter.
- Erik! Wait!
Here, son.
Your father always made sure he
could rest his head at night.
I can't take that on a voyage!
It was your father's! It was the
pillow he took with him.
He said it once saved his life.
Thanks, mum.