- An interview for a nursery school?
- It was very fancy.
- What did they ask me?
- What you watched on TV...
...did you know your ABCs...
- Of course I knew my ABCs.
Adam, you read an entire
New York Times editorial on the U.N.
- Adam, you missed exactly five words.
- Spare me the rest.
- They offer me a scholarship?
- A scholarship?
They would have paid $ 1000 a semester
just to get their hands on you.
They wanted me for what
all the other schools did.
Solve geometry problems in
the fourth grade for important visitors.
I used to feel like a performing seal
at the blackboard.
- Adam, you were so gifted.
- Let's just drop it, Pop.
A gift shouldn't be thrown
in the garbage.
- This is not the time or the place...
- This is the perfect time and place.
See, I was raised to be a thief.
You weren't.
- You don't have to go along.
- No, you, you don't have to go along.
- That's the real point.
- I wanna go along.
Your mom and I had such
enormous hopes for you, kiddo.
- Nobody's hopes work out, Pop.
- Right.
I'm half your age, I already know that.
Well, a toast seems appropriate.
- To Danny Doheny.
- To hell with him.
To McMullens.
Now then, lucky lads, let's catch up
on a little family business.
Now then, lucky lads, let's catch up
on a little family business.
Yeah. Nothing like a good robbery
to bring a family close.
He's such a fucking
wisenheimer, your father.
- Does he do the same to you?
- Probably a little less than I do to him.
Let's make a decision.
- Let's.
- Talk.
Are you familiar at all
with DNA research?
Yeah, I read a couple
of magazine articles.
You know, they're breeding chickens...
...that weigh more than you or me.
Try to keep current, huh?