Family Business

Your mom and I had such
enormous hopes for you, kiddo.

- Nobody's hopes work out, Pop.
- Right.

I'm half your age, I already know that.
Well, a toast seems appropriate.
- To Danny Doheny.
- To hell with him.

To McMullens.
Now then, lucky lads, let's catch up
on a little family business.

Now then, lucky lads, let's catch up
on a little family business.

Yeah. Nothing like a good robbery
to bring a family close.

He's such a fucking
wisenheimer, your father.

- Does he do the same to you?
- Probably a little less than I do to him.

Let's make a decision.
- Let's.
- Talk.

Are you familiar at all
with DNA research?

Yeah, I read a couple
of magazine articles.

You know, they're breeding chickens...

...that weigh more than you or me.
Try to keep current, huh?

Well, nobody knows
what's gonna happen yet...

...but the possibilities look limitless.
The small companies
who are in it first...

...are hoping to be the IBMs and
the Bell Telephones 20 years from now.

There's a new red-hot,
very secret development.

It's an agricultural plasmid.
Yeasts that are fixing nitrogen.

That means that you could
raise wheat, corn...

...damn near anything to grow
with no fertilizer.

The stakes are enormous.
Farmers spend billions...

Fuck the farmers.
Tell him what our end is.

Jimmy Chiu,
an ex-professor of mine...

...he works at a biology lab
out in Nassau County.

He helped found the company.
They screwed him out
of his piece of the action.

- They fired this poor Chink.
- Yeah, I hear him.

He's got some venture capital ready
to set up a new company.

They need the new plasmids.
He gets us in easy.
High stakes. Low risk. Nonviolent.

No worries about our partners
robbing us or ratting us out.
