I hope you guys find the music.
The way things are,
we can't even hum the tune.
Free discussion.
Two groups...
- I'm not comfortable with...
- Excuse me.
Seth, Deke, the gun barrel.
Robert, Michael, pre-detonation.
Damn it! Just, damn it!
Maybe it's the altitude.
But we're still just chalk
on a blackboard.
We're dead in the water.
Maybe we cast a lighter
gun barrel, find a new alloy.
The force would be too great.
We gotta smack these atoms together
to trigger a chain reaction.
We gotta concentrate the energy
and crush the mass.
All right, let's rethink this.
We have a gun barrel that's so heavy
we can't lift it with a plane.
To get the explosive power we need,
it's gotta be heavy.
Michael, come here!
When I squeeze this...
- ...what do I get?
- Juice.
No. I squeeze it, I get compression.
We get a hollow sphere
of plutonium,
and we compress it
with an explosion that goes in.
- An implosion.
- Chain reaction.
- But, Seth, explosives go out.
- I know.
But we make one that goes in.
- Michael.
- Let's get the boys.
We'll meet down here in the canteen.
It's brilliant. The device is gonna be so
light that we don't need a gun barrel!
Got a match, soldier?
Sir, it's Michael and Seth!
I'm sorry to bother you.
But Seth had an idea.
He was thinking of an orange.
Yes, I was thinking of jumping
up and down on an orange.
- Crushing an orange.
- Crushing!