We get a hollow sphere
of plutonium,
and we compress it
with an explosion that goes in.
- An implosion.
- Chain reaction.
- But, Seth, explosives go out.
- I know.
But we make one that goes in.
- Michael.
- Let's get the boys.
We'll meet down here in the canteen.
It's brilliant. The device is gonna be so
light that we don't need a gun barrel!
Got a match, soldier?
Sir, it's Michael and Seth!
I'm sorry to bother you.
But Seth had an idea.
He was thinking of an orange.
Yes, I was thinking of jumping
up and down on an orange.
- Crushing an orange.
- Crushing!
Crushing...the core.
Oh, God.
This could be very sweet.
- Where are the others?
- Canteen, they wanna kick it around.
- Perhaps it can wait till later?
- No, you go ahead.
- I'd have lost you anyway.
- Thank you.
Goddamn it.
- Come on!
- Double up, over here!
I'm sorry. We were looking for testing
sites and the bus got stuck.
You had a meeting last night.
You discussed the work in public.
We were discussing
- In public!
- A table in the back of the canteen.