I'll beat you with a crowbar
until you go away.
Wait! You can't do that.
There are rules here?
Oh, no. There are no rules here.
You're a pacifist!
Thank you.
So, what? You're kidnapping me?
What's the deal here?
I was hoping I could just convince you
to come with me.
So you are kidnapping me?
I have to take you to a baseball game.
You what?
Tonight's game. Red Sox, A's.
Something will happen there.
I don't know what,
but we'll find out when it does.
My name's Ray Kinsella.
You used my father's name
for a character in one of your stories.
John Kinsella.
You're seeing a whole team
of psychiatrists, aren't you?
I don't blame you for thinking that,
but no, I'm not.
I swear to God,
I'm the least crazy person I've ever known.
Why are you kidnapping me
to a baseball game?
-May l?
-Oh, please. Want a cup of coffee?
Want some cookies?
I read an interview you gave...
...about how you always dreamed
of playing at Ebbets Field...
...and how sad you felt
when they tore it down.
I never said that.
You didn't?
I don't even recall thinking that.
This whole thing is so weird.