Field of Dreams

Hey, Annie, guess what?
I'm with Terence Mann.

Oh, my God. You kidnapped him.
No, I didn't. He wanted to.
I'm really sorry,
but I'm going to be a few days longer.

We're going to Minnesota.
I don't believe this. What's in Minnesota?
An old ballplayer.
I'll explain when I get home.

-How are things with you?

Great. Look, Ann, I got to go, okay?
Give Karin a hug for me, and I love you.
I love you, too.
Someday explain all this to me, okay?
I'll try. Bye-bye.
Why didn't you tell him?
You got no choice in the matter.
Half a dozen Grahams.
No Archibald. No Moonlight.

Follow me.
Excuse me. Maybe you can help us.
We're looking for an ex-baseball player,
Archibald Graham.

-Oh, you mean Doc Graham.
-No, I think his nickname was "Moonlight."

-That's Dr. Graham.
-Dr. Graham?

His baseball career never amounted
to much, so he went back to school.

His father was a doctor.
-Do you know where we can find him?
-It's nothing bad. We're not from the IRS.

Doc Graham is dead. He died in 1972.
