You got no choice in the matter.
Half a dozen Grahams.
No Archibald. No Moonlight.
Follow me.
Excuse me. Maybe you can help us.
We're looking for an ex-baseball player,
Archibald Graham.
-Oh, you mean Doc Graham.
-No, I think his nickname was "Moonlight."
-That's Dr. Graham.
-Dr. Graham?
His baseball career never amounted
to much, so he went back to school.
His father was a doctor.
-Do you know where we can find him?
-It's nothing bad. We're not from the IRS.
Doc Graham is dead. He died in 1972.
"At times children could not afford
eyeglasses or milk or clothing.
"Yet no child was ever denied
these essentials...
"...because, in the background,
there was always Dr. Graham.
"Without any fanfare or publicity,
the glasses or the milk...
"...or the ticket to the ball game
found their way into the child's pocket."
-You wrote that.
-The day he died.
Can I see that?
-You're a good writer.
-So are you.
Something's missing.
He sounds like he was a wonderful man.
Half the towns in North America
have a Doc Graham.
Why do we have to travel halfway
across the country to find this one...
...sixteen years after he died?
There's got to be more.