"At times children could not afford
eyeglasses or milk or clothing.
"Yet no child was ever denied
these essentials...
"...because, in the background,
there was always Dr. Graham.
"Without any fanfare or publicity,
the glasses or the milk...
"...or the ticket to the ball game
found their way into the child's pocket."
-You wrote that.
-The day he died.
Can I see that?
-You're a good writer.
-So are you.
Something's missing.
He sounds like he was a wonderful man.
Half the towns in North America
have a Doc Graham.
Why do we have to travel halfway
across the country to find this one...
...sixteen years after he died?
There's got to be more.
What else?
He always wore an overcoat...
...he had white hair,
and he always carried an umbrella.
What was the umbrella for?
I think it got to be a habit,
something to hang on to.
If you asked him, he said he used it
to beat away his lady admirers.
Tell me about his wife.
She moved to South Carolina
after Doc passed.
She passed a couple years later.
She always wore blue.
The shopkeepers in town
would stock blue hats...
...because they knew if Doc walked by,
he'd buy one.
When they cleaned out his office...
...they found boxes of blue hats...
...that he never got around to give her.