- l appreciate your doing this.
- Try not to worry.
Here"s my phone number. Call me.
l"d rather you didn"t mention
any of this to Peter.
Let"s take away the puppy.
Welcome to World of the Psychic.
l"m Peter Venkman.
l"m here with author,
lecturer and psychic, -
- Milton Angland. Your new book
is called, "The End of the World."
Can you tell us when it"ll be,
or do we have to buy the book?
The world will end
at midnight on New Year"s Eve.
This year?
That"s cutting it close.
You"re not going to see any
paperback sales for at least a year.
lt"ll be another year before
you have a mini-series possibility.
Shouldn"t you have said, "The world
will end in 1992 or 1994"?
This isn"t
some money-making scheme!
l have a strong, psychic belief ...
... that the world will end
on New Year"s Eve.
For your sake, l hope you"re right.
But my other guest may disagree.
you had another date in mind.
The end of the world
will be on February 14, 2016.