- What do you think?
- Excellent. Do the happiness index.
- l mean, about the carriage.
- Can l bring Ray in on this?
Sure, whatever you think.
But not Venkman.
Do you ever see him?
How is he these days?
He was borderline for a while.
Then he crossed the border.
- Does he ever mention me?
- No.
We didn"t part on very good terms.
Then we lost track of each other
after l got married.
Ready for the affection test.
l thought of contacting him
when my marriage ended, but ...
lsn"t that sweet?
- l appreciate your doing this.
- Try not to worry.
Here"s my phone number. Call me.
l"d rather you didn"t mention
any of this to Peter.
Let"s take away the puppy.
Welcome to World of the Psychic.
l"m Peter Venkman.
l"m here with author,
lecturer and psychic, -
- Milton Angland. Your new book
is called, "The End of the World."
Can you tell us when it"ll be,
or do we have to buy the book?
The world will end
at midnight on New Year"s Eve.