Ghostbusters II

Well, don"t let the bedbugs bite.
Goodnight, Janosz.
l want to make one thing clear.
The law does not recognise
the existence of ghosts.

l don"t want to hear about goblins
and spooks. l want the f acts.

- Leave ghost stories to the kids.
- Open-minded guy, huh?

- They call him "The Hammer".
- lt"s up to our lawyer now.

l do mostly tax laws.
l got my law degree at night school.

That"s fine.
We got arrested at night.

Put these guys away for a long time.
- l don"t think that will be hard.
- Good.

Violating a restraining order,
fraud, malicious mischief ...

- See you in a couple of years.
- You"ll never take us alive.

Let"s get on with it.
Your Honour. Ladies and gentlemen
of the ... audience.

lt"s not f air
to call my clients frauds.

The blackout was a problem. l was
stuck in an elevator for two hours.

But l don"t blame them. l once
became a dog and they helped me.

Very good. Short but pointless.
Please look at exhibits A through F
on the table.
