Where is my gracious
lord of Canterbury?
God and his angels guard your sacred
throne and make you long become it.
Sure we thank you.
My learned lord,
we pray you to proceed...
and justly and religiously unfold...
why the law salique
that they have in France,
or should or should not
bar us in our claim.
And pray, take heed
how you impawn our person,
how you awake
our sleeping sword of war.
We charge you,
in the name of God, take heed.
For never two such kingdoms did
contend without much fall of blood.
Then hear me,
gracious sovereign.
There is no bar to make against
your highness' claim to France...
but this, which they
produce from Pharamond.
"In terram salicam
mulieres ne succedant."
"No woman shall succeed
in Salique land."
Which Salique land
the French unjustly gloze...
to be the realm of France.
Yet their own authors
faithfully affirm...
that the land Salique
lies in Germany...
between the floods
of Sala and of Elbe.