how you awake
our sleeping sword of war.
We charge you,
in the name of God, take heed.
For never two such kingdoms did
contend without much fall of blood.
Then hear me,
gracious sovereign.
There is no bar to make against
your highness' claim to France...
but this, which they
produce from Pharamond.
"In terram salicam
mulieres ne succedant."
"No woman shall succeed
in Salique land."
Which Salique land
the French unjustly gloze...
to be the realm of France.
Yet their own authors
faithfully affirm...
that the land Salique
lies in Germany...
between the floods
of Sala and of Elbe.
Then doth it well appear
the Salique law...
was not devised
for the realm of France,
nor did the French possess
the Salique land...
until 421 years after
defunction of king Pharamond,
idly supposed
the founder of this law.
King Pepin,
which deposed childeric,
did, as heir general,
being descended of blithild,
which was the daughter
to king Clothair,
make claim and title
to the crown of France.
Hugh Capet, also, who usurped the
crown of Charles, the duke of Lorraine,
sole heir male of the true line
and stock of Charles the great,
could not keep quiet in his conscience
wearing the crown of France...
until satisfied that fair queen
Isabel, his grandmother,
was lineal
of the Lady Ermengare,
daughter to Charles,
the aforesaid duke of Lorraine,
by the which marriage the line
of Charles the great...
was reunited
to the crown of France.