Come on. This is what's wrong with
the American system of justice.
So, y... You like to dance, huh?
- How do you know?
- Well...
- You could see me?
- No.
Uh, no, l... Yeah, I could.
But I wasn't watching you. L...
So your Dad's still in contact
with his home planet.
And given that my machine can
substantially reduce...
the size of bulky payloads
and fuel supplies...
the savings to the space program
would be staggering.
Mr. Szalinski, are you
trying to tell me that...
suddenly size is
no longer relative?
Well, that's right, Professor
Frederickson, that all matter is...
made up of not only density,
but of empty space.
And if we can proportionally reduce
the amount of empty space...
in any given object, we can
thereby shrink the object.
Uh-huh. Where's your proof?
When Einstein came up with
the atomic bomb, did they ask
him to prove that it worked?
You, Mr. Szalinski,
are hardly Einstein.
- I picked a name.
- You have, however,
managed to shrink one thing...
the size of this audience.
Gentlemen, ladies, I don't know
about you, but I'm going to lunch.
Wayne. Wayne.
- Oh, uh, hi, Dr. Maynard.
- Don't take it too hard, Wayne.
It will take time to convince
people without proof.
I appreciate it.
Thanks a lot.
By the way, you were right
about the electric flea collar.
The extension cord was a bad idea.
What could be taking them so long?
I am not missing the mall today.