Nobody in advertising
wants to get rid of boils.
They're good little
money spinners.
All we want to do is offer hope
of getting rid of them.
- Where's our drinks?
- They're coming. Sir.
Well, I really do think you should
cancel Bristol and come home with me.
I can't. I've been canceling him
all week. Why can't we cancel dinner?
I'm not in the mood
for that mob.
If I had known we were having dinner,
I'd have never suggested lunch.
We can have both.
People do, darling.
- I suppose Wheelstock will be there.
- Don't take it out on Penny.
I don't know what to do.
Dennis. For goodness'sake.
Stop getting so paranoid.
Everything will be all right. You've
had these problems many times before.
- Not like this, I haven't.
- You had a terrible time with piles.
I did not have
a terrible time with piles.
I may have had a problem
getting a hold of them,
- but selling them was a piece of cake.
- You're raising your voice.
Compared to this, piles
were a birthday present.
So was dandruff.
So was breath.
You're still raising
your voice.
The whole lot taken together,
including the fucking lawnmowers,
is nothing compared
to the pimples. Acne and boils!
I don't want to go back in there.
Don't worry about it.
Don't think about boils.
If a boil pops up.
Think of something else.
And don't go near your office.
Just see Bristol and come home.
Are you sure
you can't wait for me?
Sorry, I can't, darling.