What the fuck do you think
I'm resigning for?
I'm taking forever off.
I'm going to cleanse my life.
I'm going to rid my mind
and body of poisons.
And when I've done it,
I intend to encourage others to do it.
- And how will you do that?
- By telling them. You bald fool.
- Walking with a sandwich board?
- If necessary.
- Advertising, dear boy.
- How dare you!
- What's the matter, Bagley?
- I've got a boil.
A big boil.
I believe it's justice.
The poison crimping
my miserable system.
Fifteen years ago, I was out there
on the floor where you are now,
and I was very like you, Bagley.
I was the best.
But I got myself into some
trouble with a gas-fired heating system.
I tell you, I was desperate.
I made myself ill with worry.
I finally ended up with a specialist
who told me I'd given myself an ulcer.
It was a lot more
than that to me.
As far as I was concerned,
I'd given myself a detonator.
I became obsessed with fears
of spontaneous combustion.
This gas-fired business had penetrated
so deeply into my subconscious,
I thought I was seconds away
from bursting into flames.
I started drinking water,
sometimes as much as 25 pints a day.
I slept with a bucketful
by the bed.
I even bought
a fire extinguisher.
I'm surprised
you needed to bother.
You must have pissed
like a fire engine.
Anyway, what's all this
got to do with me?
What I'm trying to tell you
is that I tried to quit too,
but the man who sat here refused
to accept my resignation.
- Hard luck.
- Was it?
I took a month off
and went abroad.
Rested and got myself a tan
and then I came back.
And by Christ, Bagley,
did I sell some radiators.
- Really?
- Never been better.
And I'll tell you something else.
I didn't burst into flames, either.
Well, let's hope
it's not too late.
'Cause if you went up,
it would save me a job.