How to Get Ahead in Advertising

Put an end to dentures.
You can smile with confidence.

Just ask Barbara Simmons.
Why did you say that?
- Who is Barbara Simmons?
- I don't know.

- Then why talk about her?
- I don't know.

- You're not really trying?
- Trying what?

Trying not to talk
about breath and false teeth...

and people with names
like Barbara Simmons.

I am, Julia.
It's got nothing to do with me.

It's the you know what.
Well, it's ever so slightly
getting on my nerves.

- I thought we weren't to listen to it.
- I can't help but listen to it.

And I can't stop
the you know what saying it.

Stop saying
"the you know what."

All right, then.
The boil.

it is not the boil.

Don't you think
I haven't noticed?

Every time you say something,
you turn away...

or get under the table
so I can't see your lips moving.

That's not the case, Julia.
I'm not turning away to speak.

It's waiting till I turn away
before it speaks.

That's nonsense!
It was you that suggested France.

I merely confirmed
what the boil said.

- Then stop siding with it!
- I'm not siding with it!

I'm trying to incorporate it into
my conversation so I won't upset you.

But I never know
what it's going to say next.

What you'll say next.
It's you saying it.

It's the boil, Julia!
Believe me, it's the boil!

I can't stand it anymore.
How do you think
I feel about it?

I'm on the coast of panic.
I'm staring over the edge!

Just tell me how a boil...
can come up with a name
like Barbara Simmons?

Say no more, Julia.
Don't say more.

Why should a boil suddenly
suggest going to France?

- I don't know.
- Why not Portugal?

I don't know.
I don't know!

Perhaps the fucker wants
to go up the Eiffel Tower!

Maybe the bastard
wants to see the sights!

Sit down!
I'm going to call Gatty.
