I know when the guy's gonna hit again.
- You gotta give me your cooperation.
- Fuck you! And don't even look at me.
I don't work for you. You work for me.
You think you can come in my office
and tell me the news
like I'm some monkey-do
lieutenant? Fuck you!
You are not a policeman!
I am a fucking policeman!
Get it, you dilettante fuck?!
No matter what the mayor says.
I'm gonna need a backup unit
tomorrow night on call. Maybe all night.
If I ever get my hands on a shred of paper
that proves that you were
on the take back when,
I will delight in getting
the charcoal for the barbecue.
I'm gonna need the team in the van
with the motor running.
Tomorrow's the night.
That's when he's gonna hit.
Maybe for the last time.
I don't know yet.
- (Cone) Yes, Captain Alcoa.
- Get me Emergency Service Unit.
Christine, I understand you had dinner
with Nick. I wanna know what happened.
Did he say he was gonna
talk to anybody further
about the scandal that happened
about two years back?
I mean, not that
there's anything to talk about.
He thinks there's a cheque.
A cheque?
A cancelled cheque.
Made out to you, Frank.