
- Your champagne, sir.
- What is this?

- I didn't order any champagne.
- I know that, sir. It's a gift.

Take it back.
It must belong to somebody else.

- They said Mr Gilliam.
- I said get it out of here.

I don't want the champagne.
Lunch today?
- Is it expensive?
- Yes.

- How about a tall iced tea?
- There's a minimum.

- Why don't you just bring me the...
- OK.

(woman) Good boy!
What a good dog you are.
Sit up.
Go put your ball away.
Gimme some lovin'!
That's... that's... that's great.
That's really... How do you do that?
Well, first of all, you've got
to give the dog a lot of love.

- A good, healthy diet.
- Chilli.

Exercise is important, too.
You know, the key

is to establish alpha leader
as soon as possible.

- Alpha leader? What's that?
- You gotta show 'em who's boss.

- Imprint on their psyche.
- I've done that. Believe me, I've done that.

- What... what... what is it, exactly.
- Most effective is to stare them down.

You look straight at them.
You make them look away first.

- I can do that.
- Even if it takes hours.

I can do that. I can do that.
- That's it, right?
- After that, you mount them.

- Excuse me?
- You mount them.

- You mount them?
- Uh-huh.

- You mean...?
- Yeah.

Mount them?
Mount them. Lucky dog.
Mount them?
