
That's really... How do you do that?
Well, first of all, you've got
to give the dog a lot of love.

- A good, healthy diet.
- Chilli.

Exercise is important, too.
You know, the key

is to establish alpha leader
as soon as possible.

- Alpha leader? What's that?
- You gotta show 'em who's boss.

- Imprint on their psyche.
- I've done that. Believe me, I've done that.

- What... what... what is it, exactly.
- Most effective is to stare them down.

You look straight at them.
You make them look away first.

- I can do that.
- Even if it takes hours.

I can do that. I can do that.
- That's it, right?
- After that, you mount them.

- Excuse me?
- You mount them.

- You mount them?
- Uh-huh.

- You mean...?
- Yeah.

Mount them?
Mount them. Lucky dog.
Mount them?
- What are you doin' here?
- Sir? Excuse me.

- No dogs in the hotel.
- What about her?

- What about her?
- She has a dog. What do you call that?

The hotel owner's daughter.
And the dog has to go.

- Well, this is my Seeing Eye dog.
- You're blind?

- Yes.
- Were you blind when you walked in?

Yes, definitely.
I'm so sorry. Would you like me
to read you the menu?

No, I can handle it.
Thank you.
Is that my tea?
You just ripped the mirror off
of my classic 1965 Mustang.

I don't believe it. I just don't believe it.
If you don't get down -
I don't care where we are -

I'm gonna pull my revolver out
and shoot you.
