Licence to Kill

If it wasn't for me,
your ass would've been nailed to the wall.

- You saved my life?
- Yes.

It's a tough business
you picked, Miss Bouvier.

- Leave it to the professionals.
- Look, pal, I was an army pilot.

I have flown to the toughest hellholes!
I will not have you lecture me
about professionalism!

Out of gas. I haven't heard
that one in a long time.

Well, they must have hit the fuel line.
Look, I'm gonna need your help.

I want a complete rundown
on Sanchez' operation.

And I'll need a flight to lsthmus City.
Private. No one must know I've left.

- What do you wanna go there for?
- I'll pay you very well.

You're going after Sanchez, aren't you?
- Will you help me?
- How many men have you got?

Just you and me.
Are you crazy? Sanchez has
an entire army protecting him.

- Just fly me in and leave. 50,000.
- It's not that easy.

False flight plans, payoffs at the airport.
I can't do it for less than a hundred.

- Ninety.
- Seventy.

- Eighty.
- Seventy-five.

- You pay the fuel?
- You get the plane.

- Why don't you wait until you're asked?
- Well, why don't you ask me?

