Just you and me.
Are you crazy? Sanchez has
an entire army protecting him.
- Just fly me in and leave. 50,000.
- It's not that easy.
False flight plans, payoffs at the airport.
I can't do it for less than a hundred.
- Ninety.
- Seventy.
- Eighty.
- Seventy-five.
- You pay the fuel?
- You get the plane.
- Why don't you wait until you're asked?
- Well, why don't you ask me?
There are five typing errors on
the first page alone. What's got into you?
Sorry, sir.
"US lmmigration has no reports
of 007 leaving the United States...
..as of 1 500 hours today."
- Who authorised this?
- I did, sir. It's James. He's gone missing.
You know him better than that.
He'll go after Sanchez.
He's got to be stopped.
I've already alerted our man in lsthmus.
- I want that out by this afternoon.
- Yes, sir.
Q Branch, please.