Come on, my dear.
See you later.
- What's that?
- Bond's clothes. They're clean.
Sorry to wake you, hermano.
I thought you'd like to know
the information you gave me paid off.
- I got the guy who set me up.
- Only one guy?
- What do you mean?
- I just thought that, um...
..no one'd be stupid enough
to try to take you on on their own.
- I want you to come with me tomorrow.
- Where are we going?
It's a surprise. You're gonna like it.
- James, what are you doing back here?
- Your being here's not a good idea, Lupe.
It's all right. Franz is having
dinner with the Chinese.
- Where's he taking me tomorrow?
- He's showing them a special place.
I don't know where. James, don't go.
I'm scared. What's gonna happen to us?