It was banned because
it was so beautiful...
that all the virgins fell in love
and got themselves seduced.
My father told me that story.
He's Claudio Montez...
and he's the greatest
flute player in the world.
My mother is
Charlotte Montez...
and she's usually travelling
in India or somewhere...
taking photographs
or maybe writing a book.
Her beautiful face
was the first sight I ever saw.
When I was born, Claudio used
to play the baby music for me...
on his silver flute.
It was the first sound
I ever heard.
They named me Zoe,
because Zoe means "life" in Greek.
Zoe, considerher
Zoe, deliverher
She's so offbeat
So bitter sweet
Zoe, consider her
Zoe, deliver her
Life would be nothing without her
She's got that something about her
Makes me weak
Zoe, consider her
Since Claudio and
Charlotte are rarely home...
I live alone in
the Sherry Netherlands Hotel...
where the old ladies in the elevator
wear too much perfume.
Hector is our family butler
and my guardian angel.
He takes care of me
when my parents are travelling...
which is most of the time.