New York Stories

Zoe, deliverher
She's so offbeat
So bitter sweet
Zoe, consider her
Zoe, deliver her
Life would be nothing without her
She's got that something about her
Makes me weak
Zoe, consider her
Since Claudio and
Charlotte are rarely home...

I live alone in
the Sherry Netherlands Hotel...

where the old ladies in the elevator
wear too much perfume.

Hector is our family butler
and my guardian angel.

He takes care of me
when my parents are travelling...

which is most of the time.
- I'm not in.
- Good morning, Miss Montez!

Come on. Get up. You don't
wanna be late for school again.

- Hi, Vegas.
- Smell that hot chocolate.

Come on. It's just like you like it--
sugar and Sweet'N Low.

- One and one.
- Yeah. Don't wanna go to school.

- I don't feel good.
- You don't what?

You know, maybe you have the flu.
It's going around.

Let me-- Ooh!
I burned my hand!

Quick, get the salve.
Ooh, please help! Please!

Tell you what.
We'll look at your horoscope, okay?

See what that says
about going to school.

"Miss Zoe Montez, Aries.
Have a nice
continental breakfast...

then get up real quick
and get dressed for school.

Don't dilly-dally."
What's that mean, "dilly-dally"?
It means you made it up.
How 'bout you wear this today?
This is nice.

My father gets the most unusual mail.
Brooklyn Academy of Music--

- Yes or no? Wanna wear this?
- No.
