that l'd forgotten a lot of things.
l realize l'm right back where l was.
As if l'd never been away.
Yet my sister looks at me
like a stranger.
And you, mama...l abandoned you.
l ran out on you like a bandit...
without any explanation.
l never asked for any.
You don't have to explain.
l've always believed you're right.
Why dwell on it?
Well thinking of the past...
Every night, when we closed up
before going to bed,
we never lock the doors.
Didn't we have locks in those days?
When you were working in the cinema,
before you came home,
l never really went to sleep.
l'd wait until you came home.
Only after l heard you
going into your room
and was sure you were asleep,
did l sneak down
and lock the door.
Since you left,
l've put the lock by the door,
in case you came back
and were locked out.
That was how l felt...
But you were right to leave.
You did what you wanted to do.
Every time l call you,
a different woman always answers.
l often thought to myself,
that probably these women
weren't exactly your type.
l was just guessing anyway.