Pet Sematary

If you were,
I salute you for it.

If I needed
another reason

not to like
your parents,

I have one now.
You should never have been
left alone with her, Rachel.

Where was a nurse?
They actually went out
and left
an 8-year-old kid

in charge
of her dying sister

who was
probably insane.

Where are you going?
To get you a Valium.
You know I don't take--
Tonight you do.
¶ Well, in my heart
I could be ready to go ¶

¶ Get ready to go now ¶
¶ Let's go,
let's go, go ¶

He pulled.
Daddy's flying a kite.
Mommy, look!
Watch it!
There it goes.
That's it, Louis.
Go, Daddy.
We want it higher.

Let Gage do it.
Here, buddy.
¶ God, she's so young ¶
¶ Sheena is
a punk rocker ¶

¶ Sheena is a punk rocker ¶
¶ Sheena is
a punk rocker ¶

¶ Now ¶
¶ Sheena is-- ¶¶
You're flying it.
There's the kite!
You got it.
Gage is flying it.
Can I fly it now?
Let Gage
finish his turn.

We gotted it.
We got it.
