This report is excellent.
- You type this, Malloy?
- No, sir.
Detective Dietz typed it.
This is good. This is real good.
Nice margins.
Did you see this morning's Times?
"Police hunt Sunset killer."
You didn't give them that, did you?
No, sir.
All we told them was that there was
no definite link between the killings.
The fact that they took place
near Sunset Boulevard at sunset.
- Coincidence.
- What about the phone book thing?
We didn't tell them that.
We were afraid of a copycat.
This lunatic is trying to show the world...
that he can pick anybody at random
from a phone book and kill them...
and make us look like idiots.
I'd just as soon the world
didn't get that message.
So let's keep a lid on it, okay?
Excuse me, Captain.
A little publicity might be just what
we need here.
Those people are dead
because they did exactly the wrong thing.
Maybe we should tell people.
If they think someone's in their home,
get out.
Don't go looking, don't make phone calls,
don't hide.
Get out, then call us.
Maybe we could save some lives that way.
Maybe you'd like to work the switchboard
when we get 100,000 calls a night...
to help little old ladies
into their apartments.
You're exaggerating a little bit.
Look, Dietz, if you argue with me...
you're gonna find yourself
working the airport.
Now, until I say otherwise,
we keep a lid on it.
Understand? Get out!
You know what to do.
No, Captain, I don't know what to do.
Try catching the son of a bitch.
Fucking moron.
He's the jerk-off. You're the fucking moron.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to take the jerk-off's advice.
He can't help it, he's from New York.
- What's that?
- It's jaywalking.
The other one, the Taylor woman?
She's clean.