
If they think someone's in their home,
get out.

Don't go looking, don't make phone calls,
don't hide.

Get out, then call us.
Maybe we could save some lives that way.
Maybe you'd like to work the switchboard
when we get 100,000 calls a night...

to help little old ladies
into their apartments.

You're exaggerating a little bit.
Look, Dietz, if you argue with me...
you're gonna find yourself
working the airport.

Now, until I say otherwise,
we keep a lid on it.

Understand? Get out!
You know what to do.
No, Captain, I don't know what to do.
Try catching the son of a bitch.
Fucking moron.
He's the jerk-off. You're the fucking moron.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to take the jerk-off's advice.

He can't help it, he's from New York.
- What's that?
- It's jaywalking.

The other one, the Taylor woman?
She's clean.

Has either of them
ever been under investigation for anything?

In both instances, it appears
that the victims were forced...

to participate in their own deaths.
The wide knife-entry wound on Mr. Arthur's
body indicates a definite struggle.

As you can see, there are minute traces
of latex we found on the piano wire.

So we figured
he was wearing rubber gloves.

That's why there were no prints.
Francine, is there like a police psychiatrist
or somebody like that?

You've only been on the job two days.
- It's not for me.
- I know.

- You want it for a friend.
- Yeah.

I love you, don't ever change.
Dr. Park? This is Detective Dietz, LAPD.
I'd say that this guy is seriously fucked up.
