# PeopIe preach to me about Iove... #
- ProbIem?
- There's no probIem.
Just a IittIe mistake, that's aII.
What's that?
My job.
- You don't get it, do you?
- Why don't you expIain it to me?
- I'II expIain it to you!
- Hey, shut up, shithead.
Mr TiIghman has changed his mind.
And that's aII you need to know, son.
No, I'm gonna have to know
a IittIe bit more than that.
Mr TiIghman may own this bar,...
..but the Iiquor he serves
is suppIied to him by Brad WesIey.
Now, Pat McGurn is in the empIoy of
Mr WesIey - his uncIe - not Mr TiIghman.
You see, I'm stayin' and you're goin'!
- Oh, reaIIy?
- That's right.
- Sit down!
- Come on, DaIton. You and me right now.
Right now!
What's the matter, you chicken dick?
What are you afraid of? Me?
Is that it, DaIton? You scared to fight me?
Big, bad DaIton.
What, you wanna kiss and make up?
Jesus Christ!