Now, Pat McGurn is in the empIoy of
Mr WesIey - his uncIe - not Mr TiIghman.
You see, I'm stayin' and you're goin'!
- Oh, reaIIy?
- That's right.
- Sit down!
- Come on, DaIton. You and me right now.
Right now!
What's the matter, you chicken dick?
What are you afraid of? Me?
Is that it, DaIton? You scared to fight me?
Big, bad DaIton.
What, you wanna kiss and make up?
Jesus Christ!
- Stand him up, stand him up.
- Get up, you fuck! Get up!
Get up! Hey, get up!
Get up! Motherfucker!
You're outta here, paI.
Hi. I'm Dr CIay.
- How'd this happen?
- NaturaI causes.
- Looks Iike a knife wound.
- Like I said.