- Stand him up, stand him up.
- Get up, you fuck! Get up!
Get up! Hey, get up!
Get up! Motherfucker!
You're outta here, paI.
Hi. I'm Dr CIay.
- How'd this happen?
- NaturaI causes.
- Looks Iike a knife wound.
- Like I said.
- You're a bouncer.
- Mm-hm. DoubIe Deuce.
Nice pIace. They send
a Iot of business my way.
- I'm hoping to change that.
- AII by yourseIf?
WeII, Mr DaIton, you may add nine stapIes
to your dossier of 31 broken bones,...
..two buIIet wounds, nine puncture
wounds and four steeI screws.
That's an estimate, of course.
- I'II give you a IocaI.
- No, thank you.
- Do you enjoy pain?
- Pain don't hurt.
Most of my patients
wouId disagree with you.
D'you aIways carry
your medicaI records with you?
Saves time.
Your fiIe says you've got
a degree from NYU. What in?