''Tell the foreman I'm sick.
I don't give a shit what you tell him.''
I grabbed my coat, flew out the door,
passed the guards...
jumped into my car,
got onto Bristol Road...
and was flying toward my apartment.
I turned on the radio,
hoping that might cheer me up...
I had tears coming out of my eyes...
and I strike right into the middle
of Wouldn't It Be Nice by The Beach Boys.
And I'm thinking, ''What a horrible song...
''to have to hear
in the midst of this panic attack.''
A song that I'd usually
get a groove going with.
I'm trying to sing the lyrics,
and I've got an apple in my throat.
I'm trying to rationalize with those lyrics...
trying to think, ''Wouldn't it be nice? ''
And it just wasn't working.
Some disturbing news today from
the Genesee County Health Department.
It announced the rat population in Flint...
has now surpassed
the human population by 50,000.
Health officials say it's due
to massive numbers of people leaving...
and the city cutting back
to twice-monthly garbage collection...
due to budget constraints.