Some disturbing news today from
the Genesee County Health Department.
It announced the rat population in Flint...
has now surpassed
the human population by 50,000.
Health officials say it's due
to massive numbers of people leaving...
and the city cutting back
to twice-monthly garbage collection...
due to budget constraints.
Just when things were looking bleak,
Ronald Reagan arrived in Flint...
and took a dozen unemployed workers
out for a pizza.
He told them he had a great idea.
If they tried it, they'd all be working again.
He suggested that maybe some of us...
could find better jobs elsewhere...
like in Texas, or in the southern states.
That's when I spoke up...
because I have a son, a home.
I'm trying to do it by myself. I can't just
pull up stakes and take off by myself.
We don't hold public office,
we're nobody special...
but he wanted our opinions and views.
It was at a level I could understand,
and I liked his ideas...
that he voiced to us.
None of Reagan's luncheon guests
got back into the factory in later years.
The only bright spot of the whole affair...
was the individual who borrowed
the restaurant's cash register...
on the way out the door.