How's that feel? Good?
You look a little silly to me.
Kind of foolish.
You see, life ain't so complicated.
- When's the next one coming?
- Any second.
That might be the truck coming now.
I have to go get a damn screwdriver.
The blind guy around?
Where's the blind guy?
- Who do you want?
- Kerew. Wally Kerew.
I'm his bookie. I owe him some money.
He's waiting for a delivery.
He'll be back in a minute.
Is he out front?
I'll go find him.
I almost forgot. I need some...
- We're not officially open yet.
- I know. I need some of that stuff up there.
My tummy's all kaput.
What is that stuff up there?
- What, the antacid?
- Yes.
What's the difference between
Alka-Seltzer and the one next to it?
Do me a favour.
Can you read it to me, please?
- You want me to read out Di-Gel?
- Yeah, my eyes ain't too good.
"Di-Gel contains calcium carbonate,
an effective antacid..."
Where you going?
Here, take it. Honestly,
I wasn't trying to pull anything.