Funny thing is, this happened...
...the same time I went completely deaf.
Isn't that a coincidence?
Amazing. Who'd believe it?
What do you want out of life
before the show's over?
Just not to make a fool out of myself.
That's all you want?
I have this terrible fear...
...that I'll make a mistake...
...and everyone'll stand around...
...and stare at me.
Boy, damn!
I wish I had met you eight years ago.
I can fix your problems in ten seconds.
Ten seconds?
Ten seconds, if you trust me.
Do you trust me?
You're a good-looking guy.
Thank you. That's very kind of you.
How's that feel? Good?
You look a little silly to me.
Kind of foolish.
You see, life ain't so complicated.
- When's the next one coming?
- Any second.
That might be the truck coming now.
I have to go get a damn screwdriver.
The blind guy around?
Where's the blind guy?
- Who do you want?
- Kerew. Wally Kerew.