l, um...
One time I was flying from
Los Angeles to, um, to New York.
And I was... You know,
it was a really crowded flight and I was...
I was sitting in the middle.
I didn't get a window, I didn't get an aisle.
It was really funny,
and I was... I was just bored.
My magazines were just boring.
I think I had, like, a woman's magazine.
And they touch on a lot of sexual issues
and stuff. And I was thinking to myself
"God, that's what I need. I need a little...
something to take my mind off this trip."
So, I was just, you know,
just thinking away, and then I just...
I just did it on the plane.
Just between these two people.
- Nobody knew.
How were you able
to not betray what was going on
to the people around you?
Well, you know,
I have really strong muscles.
It's open!
- Hi!
- Hello, Ann.
- I hope I'm not botherin' you.
- No, no.
- I would've phoned. You busy?
- No, no. I can finish later.
I just wanted to see what
the apartment looked like with furniture.
Yeah, well, I'm afraid
there's not much to see.
I'm sort of cultivating
this minimalist vibe.
- You could use a bookshelf.
- Yeah? Yeah, you think so?
They're... you know,
they're all library books.
- What are these?
- Uh, those are videotapes.
I can see that. Of what?
It's a personal project
I've been workin' on.