Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

What are you doing?
I'm preparing to toast a "marsh melon".
I'll be damned! A marsh melon.
Where did you learn to do that?

I have familiarised myself with the
customs associated with camping out.

What do we do
after we toast the marsh melon?

- We consume them.
- No, I mean after that.

We are required to engage in a ritual
known as the sing-along.

I haven't sung around the campfire
since I was a boy in lowa.

What are we going to sing?
- "Camptown Races."
- "Pack up your troubles."

- Are we leaving?
- It's a song title.

- "Moon over Rigel 7."
- "Row, row, row your boat."

- Do you know "Row your boat"?
- It didn't come up in my research.

The lyrics are very simple...
"Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream.

"Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
life is but a dream."

The Doctor and I will start off
and you jump in.

- Doctor, if you please.
- Don't say I didn't warn you.

- Spock, why didn't you jump in?
- I cannot comprehend the words.

It's a song, you green-blooded Vulcan.
The words aren't important.

- You just have a good time singing.
- I am sorry, Doctor.
