Steel Magnolias

l used to have one, but l
slammed it against the wall...

...when l couldn't figure out
where the batteries went.

Of course, l know now l was suffering
from premenstrual syndrome.

Radio? What did l just hear--?
Oh, yes.
The Antilley family is selling KPPD.
l wonder how much radio stations
sell for.

Miss Clairee.
You should buy KPPD.
You got plenty of money.

What would l do with a radio station?
Business never interested me.
Lloyd took care of that stuff.

l hope you and Jackson will be
as happy as Lloyd and l were.

We had such a good time.
Until November.
At least he hung on through
the state playoffs.

Miss Clairee, there are still
good times to be had.

l really do love football.
But it's hard to parlay that
into a reason to live.

What are your colors, Shelby?
They're ''blush'' and ''bashful.''
Her colors are ''pink'' and ''pink.''
My colors are blush and bashful, Mama.
How precious is this wedding
gonna get, l ask you?

My colors are blush and bashful.
l have chosen two shades of pink.

One is much deeper than the other.
But the bridesmaids' dresses,
they are really beautiful.

Ceremony will be too.
The walls are banked with sprays
of flowers in my two shades...

...of blush and bashful.
Pink carpets specially laid out for
my service, and pink silk bunting...

...draped over anything
that would stand still.

lt looks like it's been
hosed down with Pepto-Bismol.

l like pink. Pink is
my signature color.

How many bridesmaids?
-Nine? Good Lord.

Exactly. Mama made me have my cousins
and Margie St. Maurice.

Let's not go into this now.
You know there was no way around it.

lt will be pretentious.
