Steel Magnolias

This is Bark Boone
with color announcer Clairee Belcher.

Thank you, Bark.
You know, it's a shame
our listeners can't be here...

:52:12 see the gorgeous
new Devil uniform.

They're lovely.
l myself would never have chosen
those white pants.

l would've gone with a darker color.
White shows everything.

Just look at those grass stains.
lmpossible to get out.

lt's hard to keep white clean
when you're tackled.

But l love the tops.
Such a vibrant purple.
Bark, would you call this color
grape or aubergine?

Shut up!
You're making a fool out of yourself.
l am not!
This is football.
All people wanna hear about
is touchdowns and injuries.

They don't give a damn
about that grape shit.

We have a new psychiatrist
that comes in two days a week.

Of course, l pick her name
out of the grab bag.

l've gotta get something for her.
Would you put that on the list?

l have no idea
what to get your father.

What's Jackson giving you?
Do you know?

Furniture? Well, my!
Must be nice to be married
to a rich lawyer.

For the living room?
No, for the nursery.
We wanted to tell you when you and
Daddy were together, but you never are.

lt's every man for himself.
l'm pregnant.
l realize that.
ls that it?
ls that all you're gonna say?
What do you want me to say?
Something along the lines of
