Steel Magnolias

l have no idea
what to get your father.

What's Jackson giving you?
Do you know?

Furniture? Well, my!
Must be nice to be married
to a rich lawyer.

For the living room?
No, for the nursery.
We wanted to tell you when you and
Daddy were together, but you never are.

lt's every man for himself.
l'm pregnant.
l realize that.
ls that it?
ls that all you're gonna say?
What do you want me to say?
Something along the lines of

Would it be too much to ask...
...for a little excitement?
Not too much. l wouldn't want you
to break a sweat or anything.

lt's in July.
You have to help me plan.
We're gonna get a new house.
Jackson and l are going
house hunting next week.

He loves to hunt for anything.
-What does Jackson say about all this?
-He's so excited.

He says he doesn't care
whether it's a boy or a girl...

...but l know he really wants
a son so bad he can taste it.
