Steel Magnolias

The one thing that would make me happy
is to have a baby.

lf l could adopt one, l would,
but l can't.

l'm going to have a baby,
and l wish you'd be happy too.

l'll tell you what l wish.
l don't know what l wish.
l don't know why you have to make
everything so difficult.

l look at having this baby
as the opportunity of a lifetime.

Sure, there may be risk involved,
but that's true for anybody.

But you get through it
and life goes on.

When all's said and done,
there'll be a piece of immortality...

...with Jackson's good looks
and my sense of style, l hope.

l need your support.
l would rather have 30 minutes
of wonderful...

...than a lifetime of nothing special.
l'll hand it to you.
l don't wanna hit you.

-Okay, l got one hole left.

Put the cords so they don't show.
lt'll look tacky.

You told me about 40 times.
Did you do all this?
Truvy just turned over
the decoration responsibility to me.

l went to the fire sale at the Baptist
Bookstore in Shreveport last week.

They had mismatched manger scenes
at incredibly low prices.

l cleaned them out of baby Jesuses,
which l made into ornaments.

Ready to roll.
