Tango & Cash

You Iook Iike heII, Cash.
Matt, is it reaIIy you?
It is.
Am I gIad to see you!
My arm.
-Who's he?
-Matt Sokowski, assistant warden.

My C.O. when I was a rookie.
You guys are in deep shit.
Who set you up?
I think we just met him.
If this creep wants us dead so bad,
why doesn't he shoot us?

Why pIay this game?
He has a boring nightIife.
-How'd he get in?
-Anything can happen here.

AII you need is cash.
We have the best guards money can buy.

You got the bucks,
you get what you need.

Once you're back in
generaI popuIation, they'II naiI you.

You got onIy one choice: escape.
I'II get a spoon and start tunneIing. . .
. . .and you can chew through the bars.
This is buIIshit!

What's with him?
He's upset. He misses his wardrobe.
What do we do?
Listen, I got a pIan worked out.
We trust him?
We've known each other 1 5 years.
-We trusted our Iawyers.
-And the judge.

And that got us nowhere.
Now trust me.

Now that is a risky proposition.
I got a present for you.
You're unbeIievabIe!
I do miss my wardrobe.
This is the ventiIation system.
Enter it from
the utiIity shaft in the yard.

This main ventiIation shaft
Ieads beyond the waII.

I can shut down one fan
and Ieave this door unIocked.

I'II get you the right work detaiI
and Ieave tooIs at the shaft.

This way Iooks faster.
-No, it's Ionger.
-Let's stick to pIan A.

Let's get you to the infirmary.
Why your pIan A?
